Origin-AL and Influenti-AL
need to keep each other in balance!
Our roles must be acted out together.
Creative freedom needs ordering rules.
Without laws, Big Bangs create chaos!
Our need to be free, creative and original
must be balanced by law, order and habit.
If they get out of balance, we'll have either
anarchy/chaos, or boredom/repression.
We tend to limit other people's freedom
if we follow our freedom without control.
So there is a time for both/&:
To be funny & to be serious
To be creatively free & to follow the rules
To be spontaneous & to be disciplined
To show mercy & to punish (but justly!)
To start something new & to stop old stuff.
To disobey (unjust) laws & to obey (just) laws
To play games & to keep to the rules
To be relaxed, calm & to be alert
To be open to change & to be traditional
To allow free trade & to insist on fair trade
To set free & to be in control
To insist on rights & to accept responsibilities
To dream/imagine & to be down to earth.
To be pragmatic & to be idealistic
To be adaptable & to be dependable
To be joyful & to be sorrowful
To be digital & to be analogue
To make love & to abstain
To be born & to die