EVOL A compendium of four papers exploring aspects of the Octaikon model of a person. (1) "Faculties of the universe" (2) "A curriculum of needs" in a cosmic university of learning. (3) "Fractal faculties is a progress report on the Octaikon project (4) "The Octaikon model of AEIO you!" explains the model for an educator, |
REALITY This short book offers a unique and practical way of understanding life, love and reality, based on the ten “fracALities” Each fracALity is explained in a chapter relating them to my own experiences in life and how we use them to meet our own “need- |
LOVELIHOODS A collection of my writings and graphics on the subject of love from a Christian perspective. They are taken from various pieces written over some twenty years while I was developing my ideas of what it is to be a person, using the Octaikon model of reality. |
KEY QUESTIONS In this short booklet, I use the Octaikon faculties to suggest questions that can be asked of anything - |
YOUNIVERS- An allegory using my cartoon character AL to explain the Octaikon faculties, emphasising the nee for balance and to be prepared to look at life from a both/and perspective. It has a Christian theme which becomes clear at the end. Written for younger people. |