© A. Marcus J. Robbins 2014
The model can be used as a life-
educational and therapeutic tool
to help children and adults develop their faculties,
and understand who they “are”,
how they behave and what they believe.
There are many possible settings
In the home
where individuals would like to understand themselves better,
and do a bit of self-
In families
where parents wish to explain to their children
how they function, and why we are different from each other.
In kindergartens
where young children are being encouraged to develop
their physical and mental faculties.
In schools
where teachers want to help children and adolescents
understand themselves and their peers, and relate better.
In colleges and universities
where students or researchers need to explore new or old ideas
about human function, behaviour or belief.
In religious education
where instructors want to explain and visualise
the doctrines of faith, and how we relate to God.
In marriage
where counsellors need to clarify roles and responsibilities,
sources of conflict, and how to restore relationships.
In management courses,
where trainers want to explain personality theories
or problem solving, and promote team working.
In behavioural therapy
where patients need to understand their condition
and address the possible causes.
In missionary situations
where the evangelizer wants to explain spiritual ideas
in an understandable, inclusive and non-
In communities
where there is a need to facilitate participation
and inclusion in social development.